Thursday, May 19, 2011


                                                            Flower 1

                                                                    Flower 2

                                                            Flower 3
I choose this flower because every single time I took a picture of it, it was dying, so I did a sad metamorphosis, I hope you like it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Photos

I think this is a great photo because it captures the beauty of water, moss, and rocks in a clam way. I love how there is a dry part of this rock, and there is a wetness to it to in the submerged part of this rock. I wish there was more eye catching rocks in the water to pop this big rock out and make it less boring.

I love this picture because it captures the amazing cycle of a baby bird. It first starts out in an egg, and then it hatches. I love how you can see what the nest looks like and you can see the egg and everything around it. This picture would be better if there was at least another egg that was hatched, or un-hatched. 

What I love about this picture is that you can see land, and you can see the reflection in the water from the sun. Also there are two loons in this photo and it captures the beauty of this lake, the wilderness, and wildlife. I honestly don’t think there is no way this picture could be better, it is great as it is right now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Storybook Project - Photojournalism

This is my horse Dude, he is important in my life because when I am having a bad day, he asways cheers me up, he is the one that carries me on his back and he is the one that is great. He is always there for me when others are not(which I dont think will ever happen)!

In this picture is a stream, a stream is important in my life because it is a source of water, we can’t live without water. This stream is also very calming and it is very beautiful to look at because of all the different shapes and colors of the rocks.
This picture is a picture of my brother (but he represents all of my family and adventure). Family is important to everyone’s lives, family supports you, loves you, and gives you a roof over your head, and they also give you adventures. Families help you learn from right and wrong and they will always be there for you.
This is a picture of my land and my house. This is important because i live in the country so there is nice clean fresh air for me. There is enough room for me to lay with my brother and to do whatever I want. The house protects me from weather, people and unwanted animals. My home is a great place to me; I could not imagine life without my home.
This is a hallway of my school. School is important in my life because it will help me learn and become smarter. School will help me go to a great college, and get me into a great job. Without school we wouldn’t just be dumb, but we wouldn’t have any reason to live if we don’t use our brains.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I chose this picture because I thought it was cool how you can see all of the spines of this tree and then there is a nice colorful background showing through them! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



I choose this nest because I thought it would be cool to have different angles on the nest, and I found another nest and I think I am going to use it for Metamorphosis and wait for the eggs to hatch. I hope you like them!

Friday, April 29, 2011



This picture fits because there was just so much space around Jonathan and it just made the picture boring and the viewer wouldn’t know what the main subject in this photo was. So I cropped it a little and it looked better afterward. Also it’s easier for the viewer to figure out which is the main subject in this photo.


I choose this photo because there a shapes in this picture of these mini lockers, also not all of them are the same shape, some of them are banged up and lop-sided and they can’t even close. I think this picture is good because these little lockers are cute! Enjoy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This is My Life...a Photo Essay

This is my horse Dude. He is very important in my life. Why? Well he teaches me allot of things like responsibility, respect, and to work for something you really want. Yeah I know that taking care of a horse is tough, you have to clean their stall, feed and water them, and also care for them when they are sick. But there are rewards for it, they let you ride them, brush them, they also let you love and touch, they could choose not to let you do those things but they do. Another important thing that they do is that they give you love and they trust you, would you trust someone who was a predator to you?
This is my step sister Jade. I love her as much as I do as my real sister. Since I am the oldest twin, I really don’t know how to really act like a girl or I didn’t know how to put make-up on. She really taught allot of things that big sisters are supposed to teach you. She also is pregnant so I am happy that I will become an aunt. Sometimes she gets frustrated with us, but she still loves us anyway. Being a big sister is sometimes tough!
                 This is my dad and step mom! I love them both really much and they have   both taught me allot of things! My dad taught me self defense (of course he is great in that category) and my step-mom has taught manners at the dinner table and how to wrestle my dad and actually win. I switch back and forth from one house to the other, but the advantages with that are that I learn allot more than what other kids learn and I love it and I am happy!

    This is the Cruise Boat that I went on for vacation. It was a dream come true, you got treated like royalty and everything was free (well you had to pre-pay). It was a fun adventure that we have gone on, I learned allot about how other people live in other countries. Also it opened my eyes to many of the difficulties they have because they have no job. The boat was very beautiful and it was HUGE! It was bigger than my house and they had allot of activities just for kids or adults. Overall the ship helped keep everyone busy and having fun!

                                         This is my little sister Emily. Yes I know we are twins but I am 20 minutes older than her. Yes we do fight sometimes, but every sister or brother does, and if you don’t, then you really don't love each other. She helps keep me in line; also she helps me with my homework when my parents can’t. We ride our horses together; we basically almost do everything together!

This is my Mom and Step dad. My mom taught me allots about horses and I thank her for that. If it wasn’t for her I would of never have horses or have the love for them! My step dad Pete taught me how to fix things when he wasn’t around, I told him only to teach me how to fix something that involves horses. My mom taught me also how to ride, take care of a horse, and to diagnose what they have if they’re sick or injured. They both help and support me with everything that I do!

This is my brother Isaac,  he is 7 years old. I love him to death even though sometimes he gets on my last nerve. He keeps me on my toes with his ranbunchsionness and energy. My mom told me when i was little, when they called Isaac our half brother(which he is) I would get mad becuase i like to think of him as my full brother! I love him so much and i like to see how much he grows each and everyday in hieght, personality, and intelligencse.

This is my friend Raya (ray- a), she is a really good friends; we have been very close of friends for almost 4 years now. I love having her over because she just makes everything interesting. I can also tell her anything and everything and she wouldn’t tell a soul. Even though she is one grade below me, I still think she is in 9th grade. She makes me laugh and she keeps my interested in homework as well. Even though we got into some pretty rough fights, it only made us even closer. She will always be my friend no matter what!

These are my dogs! I know why you are wondering why they would be important in my life, but if you think about it, they are really good companions. They are always there for you, and they will love you no matter what. Having a dog sometimes makes me feel safer also. If they hear something they will bark and alert you (sometimes it could get annoying to if they bark every time they hear s0mething). They just help anyone get through hard times and they are really good companions.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I choose this picture because it has a cool Shadow!


I choose this picture because I just took this picture and i turned out to like it!Enjoy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


For this first photo, it has a back light. The sun is in the background making everything appears black and I just thought it looked very cool with the black trees; with eh blue sky, and the sun peeking through the

The second photo is a "light" lighting, it has a soft pink and orange lighting to it from the sunset, and I thought it looked pretty because of the colors in the background; also it kind of makes the white fence appear pinkish. Enjoy!

Still Life

I choose this photo because I thought it was neat how there are all of those leaves around this rock(yes it is a rock with alot of moss on it). It also fits this photo assignment because its not going anywhere. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I choose this pictue because this can has obviously been in the middle of the forest for quite some time. Its all rusty from the rain, snow and other weather conditions, there is alot more junk in the same place where i took this photo.


I choose this picture because it was pretty cool with all of the moss on it and I liked the few spots of light on it to! ENJOY!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I choose this pictre because i liked all of the colors and different shapes from each M&Ms. I thought it looked cool and who doesnt like M&Ms! Enjoy!

Rule of Thirds

I choose this picture because my friend was just messing around and i thought i might take a picture of her witht the grill in it to. So i descided to use it as a Rule of Thrids photo. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rules of Thirds

I choose this picture because they are not in the center of this photo, they are off to the side. I thought it was neat with the mountains in the background. Enjoy!

Miscellaneous Filters

For this photo i just added the filter Lens Flare, i thought it added more coolness and pizzazz and it looked cool. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Miscellaneous Filters

I choose this picture for Miscellaneous Filters because when I was messing around with the filters I blurred it a little bit, then I burned it, then I just added all of the “noise” filters on it. It turned up like this, I like this photo because you can still tell what is in the picture, also it looks like someone just painted it, if I would of saw this photo for the first time, I would think it was painted.

Miscellaneous Filters2

I choose this picture for Miscellaneous Filters because it had alot of colors in it and it thought it would be cool to do the Sponge filter. I did the sponge filter 6 times and it turned out like this. If someone painted this picture on a paper, then crippled it up, then unfolded it, it would look like this.

Leading Lines

I choose this picture for leading lines because I love how you can see all of individual porches on the coat, also that hand rail going all the way to the back of the boat! Sorry about the people in the background but I think it adds to the photo because it shows how long the boat is and how long those leading lines go!


I choose this photo for portrait because they are posing and they have a nice background. The background in this photo is in Cobo San Lucas, I believe the rock with the arch is called Cobos’s Arch. I really like the background and the nice blue ocean water in this photo. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miscellaneous Filters

I choose this picture because it was boreing in its original way, but after I did a few filters, I saw it could become a great picture. I used the Sumi-e filter on this photo, I also put the grain texture of it as well. I really loved this picture after I was done, so I hope you like it to.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Close up.

I choose this photo for close up because it was a little tricky to make sure that this photo wasn’t to blurry and that it captured the whole flower’s beauty. I think this photo is cool because the flower is really long and I love the white and the pink in it also. I hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011




I choose this picture as a dodge picture because it’s a little too dark, and it looked a lot better when I lightened it up a little bit. This picture was a little tricky to get it lighter becasue you couldn't go over the same place twice or else it would be way to dark. Enjoy 


I choose this picture as framing because the kennel around the animals in this picture is like a frame. The animals are the picture, and the kennel acts as the frame. I took this picture because I was confused why the cat would be in the kennel, and also the dogs didn’t mind him in it. I hope you like it.


I choose this photo for reflection because you can clearly see the lizard’s reflection on the glass case around him.  I was trying to a good photo that has the reflection in it, and also the real lizard itself, this was the best one. What I like about this photo is that you can see the head and everything in the photo, but the head is in the way of the body, but in the reflection, it shows the rest of his body. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dodge and Burn



I choose this picture as “burn” because in some parts of the picture, they were to dark and really couldn’t see what was in the photo. I thought it looked way better after I burned it and I hope you think so too! Enjoy.